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Welcome to the 2008 Evergreen Reunion Page. 
The 2008 Evergreen Reunion Was A Huge Success

Church of the Little Flower Hall Saturday May 17, 2008 
1. Digital Pictures. 
Over two dozen pictures of the 2008 Evergreen Reunion are posted in the photo gallery.  Special appreciation is extended to Mike Tanner for taking the posed pictures and to Kay for her beautiful banner in front of the hall and for the backdrop for the posed pictures.  Appreciation is also extended to Carolyn Tanner Rabalais, Ryan Rabalais, Virgil Tanner, Jr., and Ronnie Galland who contributed their pictures which were taken randomly.
2. Registrations.


  1. Armand, Jeanette “Net” Barron
  2. Aymond, Helen Juneau
  3. Blanchard, Annabelle Jeansonne
  4. Chenevert, Gerald “T-Hut” James
  5. Chenevert, Larry “Mickey” J
  6. Rev. Daniel Corkery.
  7. Corrado, Evelyn Joy
  8. Cox, Linda Ducote
  9. Daigrepont, Donald P. and wife
  10. Daigrepont, John H.
  11. Dauzat, Burton Paul
  12. Dauzat, Georgie Gremilion
  13. Descant, Vera “Bee” Rabalais
  14. Dubroc, Herbert “DD” J. & Nell
  15. Ducote, Dale
  16. Ducote, Raymond and Amanda Gremillion
  17. Dugas, Edmond A. & Marilyn Bordelon
  18. Dugas, Walter “Dub” & Sandra
  19. Fusee, Loretta Marie & guest
  20. Galland, Ronnie & Dorrinne
  21. Gaspard, Judy Armand
  22. Gauthier, Maudie Mae Holston
  23. Houk, Elmaid “Mae” Ducote & guest
  24. Hunt, Martha Patrick
  25. Jans, Nettie & Ken
  26. Johnson, Martha Albritton & Lenora McNabb (niece)
  27. Juneau, Kathryn Wright & Missy Odom (daugh) & Cody Juneau (son)
  28. Kojis, Martha Trump
  29. Kohler, Donie West
  30. Kohler, Glynn & Terry
  31. Jeansonne, Mary Ellen Armand
  32. Jeansonne, Earl Joseph
  33. Johnson, Freda Ann Cox
  34. Juneau, Lonnie “Speed”
  35. Juneau, Ralph & wife
  36. Francois, Jerry “Sam”
  37. Lemoine, Nannie “Nan” Haydel
  38. Long, Michael “Mike”
  39. Luneau, Diane Turner
  40. Manning, Sylvia Williber
  41. Matthews, Louis, Jr.
  42. Mayeaux, Lawrence & Lottie
  43. McDaniel, Roger
  44. Morrow, Craig G. & Hattie
  45. Mose, Howard “Junior” Paul (guest)
  46. Nelson, Erik B. & Fran
  47. Ortolano, Doris Melancon
  48. Poole, Jan Gullett
  49. Rabalais, Gerald J
  50. Rabalais, Judy.
  51. Rabalais, Ryan & Carolyn Tanner
  52. Riche’, Walter “Boozie” & Dorothy “Dot” Descant
  53. Riche’, Kenneth “Ken” & Mary Lynn Chatelain
  54. Riche’, Mike “Red” D.
  55. Riche’, Roy “Boogie” P.
  56. Riche’, Bernice “Tootsie” McDonald
  57. Riche’, Elliot “Yannie” J. & Sandra Goudeau
  58. Robert, Huey Drew & Rae
  59. Roberts, Charles & Barbara Riche
  60. Roy, James “Jimmie” L.
  61. Roy, Joyce Rachel & Edsel
  62. Sheets, Geraldine “Gerry” Galland & husband
  63. Spencer, Julienne Ducote
  64. Julienne Ducote Spencer
  65. Tanner, Gloria R. Rabalais & Laurie (daughter)
  66. Tanner, Michael “Mike” & Kay
  67. Tanner, Rev. Robert “Bobby” and wife
  68. Tanner, Jr. Virgil G. & Thelma
  69. Robson, Ethel & Ray
  70. Tremblay, Ada Mae Barron
  71. Turner, Alfred “Bonoxie” and Faye Riche
  72. Turner, James “Tut” M.
  73. Turner, Geneva Bordelon & Ronnie
  74. Vandersteen, Beth Kohler & Buck
With 74 numbered registrations + 28 spouses, guests, etc., +  those who didn’t register = ?
Your help in identifying those who attended, but who are not listed, is appreciated. Also, if you know the name of someone who is not listed by name, please send it to us. 



Thank yous are extended to Annabelle and the Civic League for organizing the hall, decorations, displays, registration, etc., and all the incidental tasks they performed.  They did a wonderful job and are appreciated.


3. Modified Program on May 17

The invocation by Rev. Bobby Tanner was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mike Tanner.  ER Committee introductions and recognitions of various attendees followed. The highlight of the afternoon was when Georgie asked attendees to reminisce about their days in Evergreen.  WOW! - How interesting!  Ed presented Dub with a 1990 ER cap (compliments of Ryan Rabalais) in recognition of his tape of the 1983 Male Beauty Contest and the 1983 ER. Recognitions were also extended to Dale Descant (ER Website), Ryan Rabalais(CDs and Slide Show), and Mike Tanner(Photographer).  Gov. Jindal's proclamation declaring May 17 "Wear Green Day in Louisiana" was announced and distributed. Father Dan Corkery provided the benediction and then "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You" and "God Bless America" was sung by all with Jeanette Barron sErving as choral director.  There was a moment of silence for those who are no longer with us and the program ended with Mike presenting Kay Tanner with a birthday cake - a surprise which was shared with guests.


4. Hospitality Area

A special acknowledgement and note of appreciation goes out to Boogie and his Riche Road friends who help fund the hospitality area. Contributors included Craig/Debbie Riche', Freda Descant Riche', Elliot/Sandra Goudeau Riche', Jimmy/Mary Roy, Mike Riche', Harvey Riche', Robert/Romona Riche', Walter/Dorothy Descant Riche', Jack/Cheryl Riche', Ada Mae Barron Tremblay, DD/Nell Dubroc and Roy P. Riche', Jr.  Donations from Lafayette Coca-Cola and Community Coffee are also acknowledged.   Additional donations were provided by Bernice "Tootsie" McDonald Riche', Ken Riche', Roy Riche', Jr., Herbert "D.D." Dubroc, Virgil Tanner, Jr., Martha Patrick Hunt, Vera "Bee" Rabalais Descant.  Appreciation is also extended to those who brought cakes, snacks, etc. to the hospitality area.  Many attendees expressed their appreciation for the hospitality area. 


5. Governor Jindal's "Wear Green Day" Proclamation in Louisiana on May 17, 2008.  Click her to view the proclamation.


6. Announcements and Requests:

a. Send names and addresses (especially email addresses) of those Evergreen Pelicans who were not at this ER.

b. Evergreen Memories (click here to visit the Memories Page).
c. Evergreen Memorials (click here to visit the Memorials Page).

d. A special appreciation was extended to Dale Descant, Evergreen webmaster. It is through his efforts that the dream of an Evergreen website will become a reality.  Thank you, Buck. 


7. The 2008 Evergreen Reunion Committee included:

Annabelle Jeansonne Blanchard,  Larry "Mickey" Chenevert; Ed Dugas;  Ronnie Galland;  Maudie Holston Gauthier; Glynn Kohler;  Nannie "Nan" Haydel Lemoine; Doris Ortolano; Bernice "Tootsie" McDonald Riche'; Roy "Boogie" Riche, Jr.; Kay Tanner; and  Mike Tanner.   


Thanks to everyone who helped make the 2008 ER enjoyable and a gathering which has provided opportunities for the future growth based on our common bond - may it remain forever green.


Submitted by Ed Dugas, July 4, 2008.  Information was included in earlier updates.




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