"The mission of
EvergreenLA.org is to document the past, celebrate the
present, and plan for the future while reliving memories and
creating new ones."
The EvergreenLA.org team is committed to guidance from the
above mission statement. Please contact a member of the
EvergreenLA.org team, as follows:
The Coordinator has the overall
responsibility for content, pictures, finances and human
resources. All information and pictures are processed through
the Coordinator to the Webmaster for posting on the site.
The Webmaster has the responsibility of
all techology matters of the website, including hosting, design
and processing information received from the Coordinator.
The Photo Editor attempts to edit each
photo submitted so it is posted within the website parameters
with the best possible improvements. However, some picture
donors request that pictures be posted as provided and these
requests are honored.
Coordinator will compile and retain current information on
former/current residents, former/current students, others
who lived the Evergreen area on a seasonal or other
short-term bases, and others who wish to be
included. Please provide Lynn with the following
information: full name, including nick name; husband's name
for married females; mailing address; email address; home
and cell phone numbers; years of attendance at EES/EHS; EES
graduation year; EHS graduation year.
are requested to email their information for the address
book directly to Lynn. The EAB
will be used to facilitate communications about future
reunions and between Pelicans and the website team. Contact
numbers will be treated in a confidential manner and not
placed on this website. In the
"Contact You" section (below), one may request to
have their name and email address (only) listed to
facilitate communications with other Pelicans.
The ER photographer will
coordinate pictures taken at the reunion. In addition to taking
posed pictures, the ERP will make arrangements with other
photograpers to take random pictures.
Photographers who
contributed pictures to the 2008 ER included: Ronnie
Galland, Carolyn Tanner Rabalais, Ryan Rabalais, Mike Tanner,
and Virgil Tanner, Jr.
Obituary Reporters: Joyce Rachal Roy ('58 EHS) (Lafayette
Daily Advertiser), Carol Armand
Pellegrin ('60 EES) (Baton Rouge Morning
Advocate), and Susan Riche'
Earnest ('62 EES) (Alexandria Town Talk) review
the Obituary sections of the above daily newspapers for
deceased persons with Evergreen connections. Your
assistance in the timely reporting of other deaths not
included in the above media sources is appreciated.
Thank You.
Viewers who wish to have their name
and email address listed in this section of the website,
should email
and make the request. This will greatly facilitate
electronic communications between and among Pelicans and
others. Other contact information in the EAB will not be
placed on the website and the name and email address (only)
will be placed in this section of the website if the request
is made by email. One may
request that their name and email address be removed at any
Aymond, Harold
Everette Hayes barman345@charter.net
Chambless, Brandi Tanner
Dugas, Ed Ed@EvergreenLa.org
Wayne wgoudeau@cox.net
Kohler, Glynn
LaCour, Maurine Bordelon
LaFleur, Katherine Melancon Katherine.LaFleur@islecorp.com
Rabalais, Jules Lester jules2562@sbcglobal.net
Saylor, Martha Redmon martiejo@aol.com
Tanner, Michael Mike@EvergreenLa.org
Thayer, Debra “Debbie” Armand
Featured Pictures

Church of Little Flower

Bayou Rouge Baptist

High School

Girls B-Ball

Boys B-Ball

Altar Boys

Granny's House
Mrs. Pierre Descant