November 11, 2008 the Evergreen Civic League held its
meeting at the home of Doris Ortolano. Members toured
the Evergreen Website, enjoyed refreshments, conducted
business, and enjoyed interesting conversation.
After the business meeting, guest Ed Dugas highlighted
the development of the Evergreen website. A discussion
www.EvergreenLa.org was followed by the viewing of
www.EvergreenLa.org on Doris’ home computer. This
allowed for a hands-on approach. Members were
encouraged to ask questions during the viewing of the
various pages. High interest areas included the Class
Rosters, Memorials, Photo Gallery, Memories, News,
Anecdotes, Evergreen Reunions, and the Military Page.
Future plans for the website were discussed and these
could result in a higher profile for
www.EvergreenLa.org and the activation of pages
which are currently on the drawing boards. Members
presented Ed with an acknowledgement of their
appreciation and Doris was thanked for hosting a
wonderful meeting.
Story and
picture were submitted by Annabelle Jeansonne Blanchard.