St. Charles Announces Church Fair Scheduled For Saturday, November 7


St. Charles Church Fair

Scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 7th

Huge Huge Rummage begins the day at 7 A.M. till.  Lots and lots of items to choose from:  Furniture, applicances, toys, clothing for all ages, knicknacks, etc.  Something for everyone.

Will be serving brisket po-boys throughout the day.  Po-boy deal which consists of sandwich, potato chips, and cold drinks will be sold for $5.00. 

Chicken and sausage gumbo (which St. Charles is noted for) will be sold for $5.00 a bowl. Drinks are separate.  Serving will begin promptly at 4p.m.

Also, delicious homemade cakes will be sold throughout the day.

Bingo will begin around 4 p.m.

Also we will have a Big Raffle.

1st prize - $200 cash
2nd prize - Ice Chest cooler for Patio
3rd prize - $100 of Brangus Beef
4th prize - $100 cash

Donation is $1.00 per chance.

For advance tickets for either Gumbo or Big Raffle call ticket chairman Paula Bergeron at 318-939-2248/318-359-6580 or you may call Fair Chairman Paul Adams at 318-346-2074/318-308-6171.



Submitted by Beryl Normand at


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