Todd Riche’ Promoted to Rank of Lieutenant Colonel on August
31, 2009
Todd Riche’, a 1990 graduate of Bunkie High School, was
promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on August 31. He
is currently serving at Eglin Air Force Base near Ft. Walton
Beach and is assigned to the Air Armament Center. Lt. Col.
Riche’ is the Director of Operations for the Squadron
responsible for developing the Air Force and Navy's next
version of the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.
Joining him at the promotion ceremony were his wife Christi
and son Cole, as well as his parents, Pete and Denise
Riche’. (Photo by Candace Tilley)
Source: Larry “Pete” Riche’
Pelican Footnote: Larry “Pete” Riche’ was a member of the EES Class of 1959 and BHS Class of 1963.