Current Businesses – Former Businesses – Any Type of Commerce Are Welcomed The Business Page includes the diverse areas of commerce which did and currently exist in the Evergreen area. Business, as defined by William Morris, editor of the American Heritage Dictionary is 1. The occupation, work, or trade in which a person is engaged; 2. Commercial, industrial, or professional dealings – the buying and selling of commodities or professional dealings; and 3. Any commercial establishment, such as a store or factory. For purposes of this website, the Business Page should include any endeavor where the goods, services or commodities produced were sold and/or consumed beyond an immediate family. When water transportation was the mode, businesses flourished along the banks of Bayou Rouge. At one time, the Evergreen area boasted of having a syrup mill, three cotton gins, several stores, a fish market, service stations, a railroad depot, producers of livestock, and many farmers. In the rich soil, area farmers grew cotton, soy beans, sugar cane, corn, sweet and Irish potatoes, and more. Livestock producers marketed cattle, horses, pigs, and more. Some growers had abundant fruit orchards and vegetable gardens. Carpenters, builders, plumbers, and painters were also part of the business community. These are only some of the examples of some of the area businesses which once flourished and currently exist in the Evergreen area. Click here to email information/pictures for the Business Page Mike@EvergreenLa.org