October 22, 2010 Update

Dear Pelicans,


There are two links which have been recently brought to my attention with the request that they be shared with others so those folks can share them with others, etc. I encourage you to view both and decide for yourself if you wish to forward to others.


The first link is a U.S. Capitol Tour with David Barton, easily the best historical information I received in some time. It contains historical information about our roots of which I was unaware. Are you aware that the federal government printed the first bible in the U.S? Some of you will be in disbelief when you learn the capitol building was used as a church for many years. There were presidents who were ministers – some held services at the capitol building! Comments from citizens taking the tour are especially revealing. Wouldn't it be wonderful if our religious heritage was part of our history classes in elementary/high school.  



The second link is to a video by Maurine Bordelon LaCour (EHS ’55) and her story from Live the Dream 2010.


Please click here for Maurine’s Memories Page on the Evergreen, La website

Her courage during her fight with cancer and what she has done since that time are truly remarkable.



Peace, Ed Dugas