May 6, 2010 Update


Dear Pelicans,


Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers. May this be a very special day of remembrance and appreciation for your family.


The enclosed information is contained in this Update.

1. Overview of 2010 reunion activities;
2. List of those planning to attend (as of May 6 5:30 a.m.); (please pre-register by Monday, May 10 to help provide information to Kelone’s by Tuesday, May 11. Thanks.
3. Condolences to Faye and Alfred “Bonoxie” Turner on the passing of their son, Pistol, who passed away earlier this week from a massive heart attack. No short-term services are planned at this time, but a memorial service will be held at a later date.



Please click on the Updates of March, April, and May for detailed information on the reunion at   Thank you.

1. Overview
The 2010 Evergreen Reunion is 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, May 15th in Little Flower Church Hall. 

* Come visit with former and current residents and former students of EHS and EES.

* The Magnolia Leaf Society will hold its first induction.  This is a wonderful opportunity to thank those who have given much to the community and school. Your attendance is appreciated.  

* Those Pelicans who passed away between May, 2008 and May, 2010 will be remembered in a special ceremony. 

* Listen to and interact with residents of the Evergreen area prior to 1950 and former students prior to 1950, as well as former faculty and staff of EHS and EES.

* Displays and CDs of past reunions can be viewed throughout the day.

*Group pictures (family, friends, classes, etc.) will be taken and many more exciting things are scheduled.

* Lunch and refreshments will be available and funded by donations at the site.  

*Your attendance is appreciated. Please check this list below for those planning to attend.  


Please email to pre-register. There is no pre-registration fee. Lunch will be provided and funded through donations at the meal site.  The lunch order at Kelone's is needed by Tuesday, so please ask everyone to pre-register prior to that time. Thank you." 

Walk-ins on May 15th are encouraged and welcomed.  

2. Pre-registration 2010 Evergreen Reunion  (69 as of 5/5 5:30 am)

Albritton, Ruth Dugas  4 22
Blanchard, Annabelle Jeansonne 4 20

Ducote, Dale &  Al   4 3
Ducote, Raymond and Amanda  4 22
Dugas, Ed & Marilyn 3 31

Flake, Bobbie Robert  4 21
Galland, Ernest  5 3

Galland, Ron & Dorrinne  4 24

Goudeau, Ed & Wayne  3 23

Gullett, Buck & Donna  4 24

Jans, Nettie  4 16

Juneau, Gail Riche’, Freda Descant Riche’, Joyce St. Romain Lacombe, Susan Riche’

Juneau, Kathy Wright  5 04
Kojis, Martha Trump  4 22

Lemoine, Kathy & Billy  4 25

Long, Mike  5 06

Mayeaux, Lawrence & Lottie  4 22   Mayeaux, Mark Scott  5  4

Normand, Beryl & Gerald  4 15

Ortolano, Doris   4 22  Dauzat, Georgie G. and Lemoine, Nan Haydel  5 3
   Johnson, Sue; Riche’, Tootsie;  Patrick, Elizabeth; Redmon, Elsie; Goudeau, Dot;   
   Richard, Anna;
Pearce, Stebo and Joy  5 04

Rabalais, Ryan, Carolyn Tanner;Rabalais, John & Carol Rabalais  4 15
Riche’, Pete and Denise V. Riche’ 4 15

Roberts, Charles and Barbara Riche’ Roberts  4 19  

Sheets, Geraldine “Gerry” Galland  and Marshall  4 5
Spencer, Julienne  4 22
St. Romain, Bert & Velma  5 1

Tanner, Mike and Kay  4 19

Tanner, Virgil and Thelma  4 23
Taylor, Ethel & Ray  4 25
Trembly, Ada & Paul  4 22
Trimbur, Brother David & June   4 1

Turner, Alfred “Bonoxie” & Faye Riche’ Turner  4 18

Turner, Geneva Bordelon  & Ronnie  4 14


Please continue to spread the word about the reunion and those who email are asked to assist those who wish to pre-register, but do not have email access. Thank you.