March 14, 2010 Update


Dear Pelicans,


2010 Evergreen Reunion:
Mike and Kay Tanner invite you to a reunion planning meeting 2:30 p.m., Saturday, March 27 at the Evergreen Church Hall. Your attendance and participation are welcomed and encouraged. Plans can be expanded, refined, and improved when a broad base of interested persons participate in the process. Let’s make this event the best it can be.


Please encourage students from EES during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s to attend.


Mike and Kay may be contacted at Mike ( and Kay ( and at (318)346-7572.  


Updates Since February Include:

  1. Obituaries –William “Bill” Robert, Jr.,  Steven Ducote, Earline Jeasonne Lambert, Alva “Bunny” Guillory, Janelle Jeansonne, Johnny Bordelon, Stella Lindsay, Udolph Alpough, and Raymond Lee Smith, Sr.

Also, a picture has been added to the Ken Jans obituary which includes a tribute to him by the Evergreen Volunteer Firemen.

Note: The above are in choronological order. Please scroll down on the Obituaries Page and view the additions of John Jeter Crutchfield Wright, Sidney Kemper Wright McNamara, Charles Andrew O’Brien, Jr.  Thank you, Dale Ducote.


  1. On the News story “Knockin’ on the Bayou Easter Festival in Cottonport” a video has been added at the bottom of the announcement which features Buck Descant, Carl "Pappy" Juneau and others sharing some of their egg-knocking secrets.


  1. Click on the Bayou Rouge Baptist Church link in the Churches Page and a Sermons link has been added on the right (below the BRBC picture). Once you click on the Sermons link, you will be able to select the one you wish to hear.

      Thank you Brother David for making this happen.  


  1. Memories of  Darrell Jans and Bert St. Romain have been added. Also, Susan Riche’ Earnest has added more memories to her memories page. Darrell’s memories inform us of one strategy at EHS for handicap challenges. God Bless Cecil Goudeau.


  1. A picture of the EHS Fire Valentine’s Day 1958 was added to the photo gallery.    

Click photo gallery, Evergreen Schools, 1950-59, EHS School Fire Valentine’s Day 1958.


  1. The Civic League Page has been activated and the first entry posted…their meeting of  Feb. 12, 1958. Thanks Glynn.  A very interesting read – Mrs. Ray Mathieu, Mrs. Porter Wright, Mrs. Anthony Smith were in attendance and the main topic was “traffic situations around EHS.”



  1. Adjustments have been made in the Little Flower Church Page.


  1. The Military Page for John Jeter Crutchfield Wright has been posted, thanks to the efforts of his classmate, Dale Ducote.  Thanks, Dale.



Follow up on prayer request posted for Mike and Patti Guilbeau on Nov. 9, 2009 (It is still posted and you are encouraged to read it and click on the website).

Hello family and friends,
I have finally given into months of prodding and decided to create a CaringBridge website.  This is the easiest way for Patti and I to keep everyone up to date on both of our health situations.  We are both on the journey to wellness and so many amazing things have happened over the last several months.  God is faithful… Patti and I know that we are in His care.  We are both so grateful for everyone who has been there supporting us and encouraging us.  You have received this email because you are on the Racquetech address book or my personal address book… with over 700 addresses, I just decided to send the message to everyone.  Thanks for being there for Patti and me with your prayers and love.  Please check out the CaringBridge site at or go to and type in the site name "mikeguilbeau".  You can also check out the updated video at

Love and Blessings!

Mike Guilbeau
Racquetech, Inc.

A special acknowledgement is extended to all who have contributed to the above items posted on the website. There are many more items at different stages of development. You are encouraged to send your items for posting. Thank you for taking time to contribute information and pictures. 

Peace, Ed Dugas