July 1, 2010 Update


Dear Pelicans,


Happy July 4th to everyone. May your day be filled with patriotic memories and activities about our great country. 

Freedom is not "free." Please remember those who have sacrificed so that we may live free and independent.


A hearty Pelican welcome to Brother David Trimbur and June as they return to life in the Bayou Rouge Baptist Church parsonage. May their warm friendship be their hallmark as they bring God’s message to the flock at BRB Church and beyond.


LOPSTOCK #9 is scheduled Saturday, October 16, 2010.  The band will start at about 2:00 PM, and play until 6:00 PM or so.  As always, it's BYOB, lawn chairs, comfort things, and party attitude.  This year the price is $10.00.  Lop’s Camp is located on North St. Mary (off 190 East at Perry Pitre Ford) – watch for signs – Eunice, La.

Click here to view the Saints quilt being raffled to benefit the Cottonport Museum http://www.evergreenla.org/News/SaintsQuilt.htm 


Obituaries are posted in chronological order and no obituaries have been submitted out of order at this point. Please email any information or any contact you may have about the passing of Gene Firmin and Helen Juneau Aymond.


At the reunion Mary Ellen Armand Jeansonne provided Ryan with a picture of the 1946-47 EHS first grade class. Mary also provided the caption, Ryan did his magic and the photo is posted in the photo gallery, Evergreen Schools, in the 1940-49 decade. Thanks, Mary.   


Dale Ducote submitted a website address which should be of interest to many viewers. The video of the WWII Japanese Surrender on September 2, 1945 has been added to the “View Various Military Links” on the Military Page.  Thanks Dale, for this wonderful addition to the Military Page.  Military Veterans are encouraged to send information on their military experience so viewers may know of their service. Thank you.


As promised at the reunion, a new page entitled, “Unforgettable Personalities” has been added in the lower left of the home page. Two entries have been submitted and the one about, Celestine Mary Armand Descant, has been posted. Please email you unforgettable personalities to us. Your entry may be as brief or lengthy as you wish and each entry will have an additive quality, in that others may also include their information about your “unforgettable personalities.”

Can we ever forget the following: Anthony Smith, Ed Pearce, Elmer “Boulet” Riche,  Billy and Vee West, Ford Robert, Ivy Holston, J. C. Albritton, Willie Grimble, Lucille Ducote, Dorsey Williams, Sue Goudeau, Charles Galland, Cornelius Reed, Mr. Hatley, Harvey “Butch” Baysinger,  Nelson Tassin, Oma West Tassin, Tim Riche, Frank Lena, Lillian Justice Cox, etc. They are only a few of the people who enriched our lives and are fondly remembered. There are hundreds more which need to be remembered…simply because they were unforgettable personalities.  I encourage you to send information about your “Unforgettable Personalities” to Ed@EvergreenLa.org   Thank You.


Click on the Reunions Page, then 2010 for a report which lists attendees, various parts of the program (including the panelists, Magnolia Leaf Society initial induction, Remembering Them) and other information.


Click on Photo Gallery, Reunions, 2010, to view the wonderful pictures taken by Ryan, Carolyn and Virgil. Ryan edited and placed captions for most of the pictures and Dale did his usual job of providing an excellent design. There are 50 pictures posted for the 2010 reunion. Thanks to all who helped with this endeavor.


Louis Matthews, Jr. “Junior” continues to add to his memories and his latest addition has been posted…always very interesting. Thanks, Junior…keep the memories coming.


Peace, Ed Dugas