April 3, 2011 Update


Dear Pelicans,


Reminder: Click on News for “Knockin’ on the Bayou Easter Festival.”


Since the February 21, 2011 Update, several obituaries have been posted. These are in chronological order, so just click on obituaries and scroll down as needed.

Those passing away included Baillio, Tanner, Attales, Clopton, and Belko.
Please click here  http://www.evergreenla.org/News/Obituaries/main.htm    for full names and obituaries.


Brandi Tanner Chambless has posted a special addition to her Memories Page, entitled, “Say What You Need To Say.” It is about the passing of her dad and the fond memories she has of him. Thank you, Brandi. Please visit her website (included in her Memories) for some wonderful recollections of her life in Avoyelles and the unique personalities she remembers…10 stories are posted.

Through the efforts of Lynn Belance, three entries for Roberts Family Connections have been posted.  Some date back to the mid-1800. Thank you Lynn for providing this information on your family.  

All Pelicans are encouraged to submit information for the wide variety of links available.


We aren’t asking for you to give until it hurts…but, it should tingle a little when you contribute your information.

A special thanks is extended to all who have provided information for posting…that is what makes the website.


Watch for a picture on Evergreen City Government coming soon.

Peace, Ed