Update Monday, November 24, 2008
Dear Pelicans,
Please note the following changes and additions to
1. Dale has adjusted the home page to include links in the upper right for
easy access to Obituaries, Family Connections and the Military Page.
Thanks, Buck, you do make the website something all Pelicans can point to
with pride.
2. Additions have been made to the Military Page...Dr. Harold Aymond and
five Rabalais: Allen, Arnold, Harold, Leslie, and Philip. A special thanks
to Harold and Ryan for making these pages happen.
3. A "Must-Read" for Thanksgiving is an anecdote written by Maurine Bordelon
Lacour entitled "I Remember The Greatest Woman That Never Was." What a
wonderful tribute to her mom!
4. It was announced in the November 11 Update that obituaries from the past
can be added to the website...and since then two have been posted, as
follows: Ordean Gaspard Aymond and Leo D. Bordelon. Thank you Kristin
Bordelon Normand and Mable Bordelon Aymond for sending these. They are from
2001 and 1975. Please send obituaries (picture is optional) from the past
so the departed Pelicans may be remembered in a special way.
5. Bernard Mayeux has written that he has two burial plots for sale in the
Little Flower Church Cemetery. The plots have been cemented. If interested,
please email me and I'll notify Bernard of your interest or contact him
6. On November 11, I had the pleasure of meeting with the Evergreen Civic
League at the home of Doris Ortolano. We toured the Evergreen Website,
enjoyed refreshments and interesting conversation. There are some plans in
the works which could result in a higher profile for
www.EvergreenLa.org and
the development of pages which are currently on the drawing boards. Thank
you Doris for hosting a wonderful meeting.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.
A special appreciation is extended to the website team. They are listed in
the "Contact Us" Page. They are treasures.
The website team is most appreciative for your participation and support of
www.EvergreenLa.org Whether it was an
anecdote, a memories letter, or a
Military Page, your contributions are appreciated. Also, all of you who
have subscribed and receive the Updates are appreciated. Your comments,
feed-back, and interest in Evergreen make coordinating the website a true
labor of love.
Peace, Ed