September 25, 2009 Update
Dear Pelicans,
Please continue to inform Pelicans about the lunch on Oct. 17th and check your emails periodically between now and Oct. 17th so you do not miss any information regarding the lunch at Prejean’s Restaurant.
We are blessed with the response and are grateful to the wonderful variety of backgrounds, ages, geographical locations, etc.
The people below are planning to attend and look forward to more joining us. Even though over 60 people are on the list, a contingency plan is in place to accommodate more Pelicans. Please email Ed ASAP at to add you and guests to the list if you wish to attend. The list below guarantees that a enjoyable afternoon will be had by all. We look forward to seeing everyone. Thanks. Peace, Ed
Ed & Marilyn Dugas
Brother David Trimbur, June Trimbur, Maudie Holston
Ronnie & Dorrinne Galland
Susan Riche’ Earnest & Gerlad Dupre’
Bert and Velma St. Romain
Pete & Denise Riche’
Ryan and Carolyn Tanner Rabalais
Wayne Goudeau
Ruth Dugas Albritton and Donna Jean Albritton Ferguson
Dub and Sandra Dugas
Brandi Tanner Chambless, Debbie Riche Molan, Tootsie McDonald Riche(Pending)
Rodney and Mary Ellen Armand Jeansonne
Fred (Erik) Nelson and Fran Cernignia
Mike and Kay Tanner
Mike and Linda Long
Everette “Hayes” Barman
Doris Ortolano, Georgie Gremillion, Nan Lemoine
AnnaBelle Jeansonne Blanchard
Stebo and Joy Pearce
Alfred “Bonoxie” and Faye Riche’ Turner
Harold and Carolyn Aymond
Marshall and Geraldine “Gerry” Galland Sheets
Joyce St. Romain Lacombe and Gail Riche’ Juneau
Lydia Pearce Saroosh
Roy “Boogie” Riche, Jr.
Paul and Ada Barron Tremblay
Patsy Roy Moras
Ethel and Ray Taylor
Genie and Jerry Spencer
Sheryl Matthews Richard, Cheryl Vilmarette, Louis “Jr.” Matthews
Ken & Nettie Jans and Darrel & Linda Jans
Unless things change, Everette “Hayes” Barman (Georgia) and Lydia Pearce Soroosch are in the running for traveling the greatest distance to attend.
Attendees will be lead by EHS graduates: Stebo Pearce (’44), Nettie Johnson Jans (’45), Bert St. Romain (’46), Ruth Dugas Albritton (’47), Nannie Lee Haydel & Jerry Spencer (’48).
Hopefully, everyone attending will be in the Cypress Room of the restaurant by noon, as plans are to begin taking drink orders shortly thereafter and continue until all meal orders are taken, consumed and paid for, etc. Interactions of a table and total group will follow. The speakers who will briefly address the entire group are on the above list. Photo opportunities and other documentation of the event will be incorporated as the afternoon progresses.
If things go as anticipated, the event should end shortly before 3:00, and we will vacate the Cypress Room – (so it can be prepared for another booking).
Note: Handicapped access to Prejean’s Restaurant is on the left side as you face the front of the building.
Reminders and Updates:
News stories abound with several from Little Flower, Father Ibe, and Mike and Kay Tanner being named Family of the Year by the Knights of Columbus, Carl’s Courage, Lopstock #8,
Please note in the News that the Cottonport Museum is hosting the Quilt Show on Oct. 3. Scroll down the News Page for the story, complete with picture.
Also, the St. Mary’s (Nov. 6) and St. Charles’ Churches (Nov. 7) have announcements about their fairs on the News Page.
Check the Business Page of the Community Page and view the story Carolyn submitted about “Virgil Tanner’s Store.”
Several Obituaries have been posted since the last Update.
The Rushing Galland Family has been added to the Family Connections.
Ivory Galland Riche’ was added to the prayer request listing.
Bernard Mayeux wrote that he still has two cemetery plots for sale. They are cemented and located on the left side of the entrance of the Little Flower cemetery. Please email me if you need an email address for Bern