----- Original Message -----
From: Ed A. Dugas
To: dale@evergreenla.org
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 6:37 PM
Subject: Update Thursday, September 4 6:05 PM
Dear Pelicans,

As life reaches some sense on normalcy after Gustav, please be reminded that the News, Memories, Anecdotes, and Family Connections are wonderful opportunities for Pelicans to document some aspects of life in Evergreen or an update since those years.
Anecdotes and News Stories can easily be done in a brief sitting...perhaps just a couple of minutes.  If everyone participates these pages will be very enjoyable.  However, if only a few Pelicans submit items, the two-way street of cooperative efforts for us to enlighten each other will not be realized.  Please consider writing something for these areas.  Other Pelicans would like to know your news and learn of the events in your life.
Memories letters can be longer than News stories or Anecdotes...or you may submit a few of your memories, then send more later.  Some Pelicans have written several times, and the addendums are added to what was previously posted.  Memories have that additive quality.  I trust you will soon send some of your Evergreen Memories.  Remember, no one else can write your memories. 
In the Community Link, the Family Connection Page has been added. Please review the information posted, along with examples.  This area should be a "slam-dunk" for anyone who wants to document the Family Connections which did exist and those which grew out of those FCs.  Thank you for documenting the Family Connections in your family.
John Smith and I have submitted a few hurricane Anecdotes...just to get the ball rolling.  So, please send your Anecdotes...notice how brief they are.  Anecdotes may be on any topic.  I bet many of you have some Anecdotes which others would enjoy.   Thank you for sending some of your anecdotes.
A News Story will soon be posted on Gustav's visit to Louisiana...so please send your story (along with a picture if you wish). The story I submitted will have a picture included (soon) and perhaps you could view it and explain how the basketball goal make-over occurred...at this point only Gustav knows.
Remember, the Little Flower Church Fair is scheduled for Sept. 13 & 14 and several other events posted in the News are scheduled for October.  Check the News for the details on all of these scheduled events.  Your support is appreciated.   
Thank you.   Peace, Ed Dugas