----- Original Message -----
From: Ed A. Dugas
To: Ed@EvergreenLa.org
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2008 6:50 AM
Subject: Former Students 1950s Class Rosters Posted

Dear Pelicans,
The 1950-59 Class Rosters (CR) have been posted on www.EvergreenLa.org   To view these please click on Education,  Former Students, then the 1950-59 Class Rosters page. 
Please know that all who contributed to the compilation of the CRs are appreciated.  Your feedback on the CRs, especially for corrections, additions, adjustments, etc., is appreciated.
As we now focus on the 1960s and 1940s, your assistance is requested.  While the CRs of the 1940s need some adjustments, the CRs of the 1960s needs serious help.  Attempts have been made to designate the high school from which each person graduated.
No CRs currently exist for the following years:
1963 (high school class which completed EES in 1960);
1965 (high school class which completed EES in 1961 has only one student); and
1966 (high school class which completed EES in 1962).
Please view the attached CRs for the 1960-69 years and please email any information which will allow us to complete the CRs for each year.  Former students who recall students in the missing grades are asked to email them to us. Former students whose classes were a year ahead or a year behind the missing CRs are asked focus on the missing years and provide information.  Any information will be helpful because it allows us to search, contact, add information, etc.   Thank you.