----- Original Message -----
From: Ed A. Dugas
To: Ed@EvergreenLa.org
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:08 AM
Subject: Pelicans School Pictures Posted on www.EvergreenLa.org

Dear Pelicans,
Please click on http://www.evergreenla.org/PhotoGallery/index.htm  then, click the page you wish to view. Some of the Education pictures were initially posted on the Evergreen Reunion website.   
You are encouraged to review the caption for each of the Education pictures and provide feedback to us.  Scrolling is necessary to view some captions. Your assistance could provide missing names, incorrect names, etc.  The page will be organized at a later date for your viewing ease.  
Please email Education, Community, and Church pictures  (jpeg file)  which you would like posted on the website to Ed@EvergreenLa.org  Also, please provide a caption, including date of picture (as close as possible according to the sender's memory).  
We will soon communicate with those who previously sent pictures. They have all been saved and as time allows, will be reviewed for posting on the website.  Please email me if you have any questions about any pictures sent earlier.  Thank you.
Since many of us have not communicated in quite some time, please send your news. Consider news as information you would like to share with Pelicans who would like to be informed about the major events in your life since leaving Evergreen.  Your participation in the News Page is appreciated.
Please know that all Pages on the website are open for your participation.  Please contact me if you wish to provide assistance to any aspect of the website.  The harvest is great...more laborers (fun stuff)  are needed so the wagon's movement may be noticeable.  You know the important of more volunteers helping in the movement.  If you can email, your involvement could help significantly...just email and inquire so the many possibilities may be realized.  Example, a person to email obituaries from the Avoyelles area is needed.  This responsibility would take just a few minutes each day, but are so important if we wish to post these on the News Page in a timely manner.  You may inquire under no obligation.  Thank you.  
Peace, Ed Dugas