----- Original Message -----
From: Ed A. Dugas
To: Ed@EvergreenLa.org
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:10 AM
Subject: Pelican Good News! www.EvergreenLa.org is operational

Dear Pelicans,
Thanks to the efforts of many, especially Dale, Ryan, and Mike - www.EvergreenLa.org is declared operational. Exactly two months after the 2008 ER the website is up and running.  Thanks to all of you who made this possible.
There are still pages left to design and much information to input, but we can live with the "work in progress sign" while enjoying what has been posted. 
Please discontinue the use of www.EvergreenReunion.org  as it will be discontinued.  The Reunion information is in the process of being relocated to be a major page in www.EvergreenLa.org    The pictures will be in the photo gallery and the narrative information will be in the Reunion page.  Be patient...all pictures previously posted are being relocated.
Communications among and between Pelicans has taken many different routes in the past...so at this time, all Pelicans are asked to share some news and update viewers. Please click on the News Page and see the particulars - and please take the time to participate.  No news is not good news.
The Memorials and Memories Pages have been designed by Dale for easy access.  Enjoy and remember.
Yes, the Education Page is under design and will include class rosters, faculty, staff, etc.  Your assistance with this page will be needed if we are to put Humpty-Dumpty back together again. Watch for these, then respond as requested.
The Evergreen Address Book grows each day...so keep sending names and contact information. Thank you.