May 24, 2009 Update

Dear Pelicans,


In honor of our military veterans, a page of military links has been added to the Military Page.  In celebration of Memorial Day, you are asked to click on the Military Page, View Various Military Links, Memorial Day.

Also, the information for Armed Forces Day was not completed for the May 17th Update.  It is now posted and is also recommended for viewing.  

Please email Ed to provide the name and website address for recommended additions to the listing of Military links.  Thank you.

Former/current military personnel are requested to send their information for posting of their military page. The information may be of any length and the picture is optional. You are encouraged to send information about deceased friends or family members who served in the military. Thank you. 

New postings have occurred since the May 17, 2009 Update as follows:

Contact You – It appears that slow, steady growth will be the mantra as the names and email addresses of the “Contact You” section of “Contact Us”. Brandi Tanner Chambliss and Debbie Armand Thayer have been added to the list.  Thank you, Brandi and Debbie for posting your names and email addresses.  No complaints have been received regarding the posting of names and email addresses in this section of the website.  Please consider sending you name and email address for posting…all it takes is an email.   

News – Descant Family Cousins Attend Dugas-Jeansonne Wedding by Ed Dugas. A link is included which allows viewers to visit the official photo gallery of the wedding. Thank you, Amy, Dub, Darla for your role in having the story posted.

Prayer Request – please continue praying for Carl Paul Ducote.  Thank you.  

Your efforts to add to the information and pictures posted on are appreciated. Class rosters for the 1970s and 1980s are still being sought. Any names/years sent for those two decades are appreciated.


Peace, Ed Dugas