January 28, 2009
Dear Pelicans,
Updates have occurred since Jan. 18 as follows:
Photo Gallery – Some Class Pictures taken at the 1983 Evergreen Reunion have been posted. To view these click on Photo Gallery, 1983 (REUNIONS), Classes of: (the year you wish to view). Please click on the picture to enlarge it. Other pictures on the site should also be clicked to enlarge.
While only the class pictures of the 1950s are posted at this time, plans are to post all pictures taken, including Roberta Brunson Quirk representing her 1915 EHS Class.
Dale has designed the page for ease of navigation and Ryan has edited and provided captions for all of the class pictures. A special note of appreciation is extended to both of them for their devotion to providing viewers of www.EvergreenLa.org with high quality technology results.
News – Sharon Lemoine Juneau submitted “A Taste of Heaven.”
Family Connections – Michael Rabalais FCs was submitted by Angie Rabalais Hudson.
Class Rosters – Angie Rabalais Hudson EES Class of 1978 and Cece Rabalais Ducote EES Class of 1980 have emailed names of classmates.There is a need for names of students who attended EES from 1966 - 1988. Please email Ed@EvergreenLa.org with any information for those class years. Thank you, Angie and Cece.
Bernard Mayeux has two burial plots for sale in the Little Flower Cemetery. The plots are cemented. If interested, please email me and I’ll notify him of your interest or contact him directly. Thank you.
There is much to document and precious little time. Please consider submitting your family connections, memories, news, military information, anecdotes, etc. in a timely manner, so all Pelicans may know and, perhaps, recall some Evergreen memories and submit current happenings in the various categories available. Please click on the Memorial Page for information of how this special page may be posted. Also, please send any school group pictures you may have. Soon the photo gallery will be expanded to include other areas.
Lastly, your help in reaching classmates, family, Evergreen friends, and current/former residents is appreciated so all Pelicans can learn of a special place where information and memories are available for display 24/7.
Peace, Ed