Evergreen Lunch Slated for 12:00, Saturday, Oct. 17, 2009
An Evergreen dutch-treat lunch is scheduled for Prejean’s Restaurant in Carencro, La. (located on the East side service road of I-49, 2 miles north of I-10).
Everyone with Evergreen connections and their guests are invited to come break bread with friends and enjoy some wonderful seafood or whatever your palate wishes.
The focus is to provide a social setting so ole and new friends may visit over lunch. There is no formal program, but the private setting will allow for a few announcements and group interactions.
Please RSVP to Ed@EvergreenLa.org ASAP, as seating is limited. Include the names of those who will be in your party.
The above announcement has generated questions and I thought it might be good to attempt to answer them by email.
Q. Once our meal is covered, are there any additional charges? No, attendees will only be responsible for costs associated with their meal. Specifically, there will be no charge for the meeting room or a cover fee assessed.
Q. Will pictures be taken? Yes, of classes, of families, of friends, of staff, of any combination of attendees. For this reason, all Pelicans are asked to reach out and inform classmates, family, friends, etc., of the lunch.
Q. Will seating be pre-arranged? Perhaps for one table, but the rest will be open so attendees can be with those of their choosing.
Q. Is seating really limited? Yes, the room reserved for lunch can only accommodate a certain number. A waiting list will be kept and in the event of cancellations, the place will be offered to those per the order of the listing. Those who wish to attend once that number is reached will be offered a table in the restaurant, pending the availability of space there.
Q. Are other such Evergreen lunches on the drawing boards? If so, where, when? Yes, but much will depend upon the response to this one. This matter will be addressed on Oct. 17.
Q. May one bring materials for display? Yes, but space will limited. You are encouraged to bring those pictures and information which you plan to leave with Ed for scanning or to donate to the website. Once materials and pictures have been posted on the website, they will be given to the Evergreen Museum. You will be provided an opportunity to hold up your materials and make people aware of what you brought.
Q. How far is Prejean's from Bunkie? About 45 miles by way of I-49. Exit 46 and Exit 4 are 42 miles apart. About 2 miles from I-10/I-49 intersection for those driving from that direction.
Q. Is the menu pre-arranged? No, each person will order what they wish to eat from Prejean's lunch menu and regular menu. There is an excellent variety from which to choose.
NOTE: I will periodically send an email to inform Pelicans of positive RSVPs and the status of room available.
Yes, you are welcomed to forward the announcement below to media outlets and others. Please reach out to those Pelicans without internet access. The announcement has been sent to the Bunkie Record and the Avoyelles News. Louis Coco, KLIL, has emailed me that he will be announcing it and it has also been sent to KABP radio. Brother David Trimbur has sent a positive RSVP and also indicated that he will announce it and include it in the bulletin of Bayou Rouge Baptist Church. Thank you for your assistance and, hopefully, your attendance.
Peace, Ed Dugas