Evergreen Civic League
September 3, 2013

Civic League of Evergreen met on September third at the home of Nannie Lemoine with the following members present.
Nannie Lemoine
Georgie Gremillion
Annabelle Blanchard
Elizabeth Patrick
Nettie Jans
Mercedes Terry
June Trimbur

Minutes for the
May 7, 2013 meeting were presented by Annabelle, also the she reported on the outing to the Tunica Biloxi Indian Museum of June 11, 2013 .  All members expressed their pleasure with the visit and the lunch that followed.

Old Business from the last meeting in May was the placing of pictures of all former Mayors of Evergreen to be placed in the City Hall.  A committee of Nettie Jans and Annabelle Blanchard was elected to search for the pictures at the museum.

New Business:
Bayou Vista Rehab facility has requested volunteers to aide their residents in the recreation time.  Committee of Doris Ortolano and Nannie Lemoine were appointed to investigate the dates and times for the members of the league to help.

Committee of Elizabeth Patrick and June Trimbur was appointed to attend the next Town Council Meeting to discuss the water and the feral dogs that are running loose in town.

Elizabeth Patrick made motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Nannie Lemoine.
Meeting adjourned.

Refreshments of fresh cheese cake and coffee were served by Nannie and Georgie.



Submitted by June Trimbur
